Corporate Income Tax Information Submission

Required by Section 220.27, Florida Statutes

Please correct the following error(s):
  • For taxable years beginning within the 2018 and 2019 calendar years, all taxpayers that file a Florida corporate income/franchise tax return (including the short form) are required to provide additional information to the Department.
  • Information must be entered for each item, even if the answer is zero.
  • Once the information submission is received, a confirmation page is presented confirming receipt of the required additional information.
Taxpayer Information
(Date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format)
(Date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format)
(North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code for activity generating the greatest amount of gross receipts for taxpayer)
Return Information
(Line 1, Computation of Florida Net Income Tax, Florida Form F-1120)
(Schedule IV, Line 2, Florida Form F-1120; if you are 100 % Florida, enter 1)
(An AMT credit is only generated in a taxable year when Florida AMT is paid instead of the regular Florida corporate income/franchise tax. The Florida AMT credit is equal to the amount that Florida AMT exceeds Florida regular tax. Florida AMT credits are used when, and to the extent, Florida regular tax exceeds the Florida AMT amount. Unused Florida AMT credits carryforward until used. Enter the amount of unused Florida AMT credit on this line.)
(For Federal Form 1120 filers, Line 29a)
(Section 172(a)(2), IRC, limits the deduction of net operating losses generated in taxable years beginning after 12/31/2017 to 80% of taxable income computed without regard to the deduction for the net operating loss)
(Federal Form 8993, Part IV, Line 3a)
(Federal Form 8993, Part IV, Line 3b)
(Federal Form 8993, Part IV, Line 8)
(Federal Form 8993, Part IV, Line 9)
(Federal Form 8990, Part I, Section I, Line 2)
(Federal Form 8990, Part I, Line 30)
(Federal Form 8990, Part I, Line 31)
Email Reminder Election
Provide your email address if you wish to receive an email reminding you to submit this additional information for your taxable year beginning during the 2019 calendar year. Florida law requires you to authorize the Florida Department of Revenue to send unencrypted email to you that does not require you to take additional steps before you can access the information in the email.
(Email addresses provided to the Department for tax administration purposes are confidential and exempt from disclosure under section 213.053(2), Florida Statutes.)
Authorization and Signature
I certify that I am an officer of the corporation or a person that is duly authorized to act on behalf of the taxpayer and that the information submitted is true and correct.