Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption Application
Retrieve Information From Prior Exemption
Greetings! If this is your first time applying for the tax exemption, please leave the below ID fields blank and click ‘Next.’. For best results, please use Chrome and clear cookies to complete this application.
If you have applied for the tax exemption in the past you can save time by retrieving information you
previously provided (e.g. name and address).
If you are trying to recover an application session
you were unable to complete please click here.
In order to retrieve your previous information, please enter the User ID and Recovery ID that were
issued to you during your last application (IDs are located on the summary page). Note: these ID
numbers are unique for each exemption you apply for.
If you don't have your IDs, e-mail
User ID:
(9 characters, case-sensitive)
Recovery ID:
(the 11-digit number you were given)